Vegan Buckwheat Pancakes!

Vegan Buckwheat Protein Pancakes
This recipe creates 10-12 medium pancakes. Go for raw, organic ingredients whenever possible!
I adore these pancakes! I make them ever month before my moon, they build me up with a healthy source of protein and good fats! Buckwheat is gluten free, and isn’t technically a grain even though it has “wheat” in its name. It is also a good source of magnesium which is emotionally and physically supportive, especially to women. I’m really dedicated to getting in the protein with this recipe: Buckwheat (5g per 1/4C), Chia Seeds (3g per Tablespoon), Hemp Seeds (3.3g per Tablespoon), Protein Powder (19g per scoop) and Almond Milk (1-2g per C, if made fresh).
Pancake Mix:
- 3 C Sprouted Buckwheat Flour
- 3T Chia Seeds (ground in Vitamix)
- 1tsp Salt
- 1/2 Scoop (SunWarrior Pea Protein Powder~ Optional)
- 1T Hemp Seeds
- 1tsp Baking powder
- 1T Lemon Juice
- 1T Apple Cider Vinegar
- 3 C almond milk (or water, make the almond milk fresh if you can)
- 1/4C Coconut Oil
- 2T Raw Honey
Directions: Combine Dry ingredients in medium bowl (flour, ground chia, salt, protein powder, baking powder). Prepare chia seeds by grinding dry in vitamix/blender until it becomes a powder. The chia is the binder that holds the pancakes together. In a separate bowl combine wet ingredients (lemon juice, ACV, almond milk, honey and coconut oil). If the coconut and oil are hard, double boil them to soften before mixing with the other wet ingredients. Then combine the wet with dry ingredients in big bowl. The chia can get extra sticky, which is good, so if you need to add water until it is more of a runny consistency, please do! Turn frying pan on medium, oil the pan with coconut oil and fry em’ up! The buckwheat pancakes can be a bit more dense and then, but still delicious!
***If you don’t like the flavor of buckwheat I recommend buying organic sprouted buckwheat from amazon. It tastes like normal flour and it’s sprouted 🙂 ***
I love to top my pancakes with MORE coconut oil (you can’t get enough of this good fat), coconut butter, fresh berries, almond butter, raw honey (or real maple syrup) and hemp seeds!