Raw Chocolate Coconut Eggs!
Raw Chocolate Coconut Eggs
This recipe creates 1-2 Dozen Eggs!
There are MANY medicinal benefits to the ingredients in this recipe and most notably ~ COCONUT OIL! My friend Helen Nichols wrote this great article about its 20 scientific benefits!! Click here to read it!
::Eggs:: ~Blend in Food processor~
Depending on the season you may need to double boil the coconut oil and the honey which can be done together by boiling a pan of water an placing a glass bowl inside. Make sure that the class bowl sits on the edges so the bowl isn’t directly in the boiling water (that’s called cooking).
- 4C Raw Coconut Flakes
- 1T Raw Coconut Oil
- 2T Raw Honey (or Maple Syrup)
- 1/2 C Raw Nut Butter (I love macadamia nut, almond or sunflower… if you want go for peanut ;))
- 1tsp Vanilla Bean (or extract)
- Pinch of Sea Salt
Mold into whatever size eggs you desire 🙂 Place on baking sheet with wax paper and let set in freezer for 5 minutes. If the dough is too runny place in fridge for 5 minutes for a firmer moldable texture…
::Raw Chocolate Sauce::
~Double Boil~
3-4T Raw Honey
1 Nugget of Cacao Butter 1/4LB in weight or 1/2C in size
3-4 Nuggets of Cacao Paste 1LB in weight or 2C in size
1T Maca (Raw is fine because it will be slightly heated)
(This makes enough to have extra for Hot Fudge Sundays with Coconut Bliss! Keep it in the fridge and place in warm water when you want a chocolate sauce on hand)
Stir on low until melted together… Add more sweet or more bitter, whatever you prefer.
Drizzle or dunk the cool eggs in the chocolate and indulge 😉

Come experience the yumminess of healthy, high vibrational food! Learn to make awesome recipes and transition to a healthier lifestyle in your everyday life! This adventure is all about discovering your own unique flavor ~ August 17-21st, 2016. Click Here to Explore More.