
‘Rekindle Your Soul’ – Inner Child Healing

Somatically heal and reunite with your ‘little self’ to awaken your brightness, balance your nervous system, and become your true self! 

Experience this special experience 1 on 1 experience with me! This is my exclusive, tailored offering to assist you on your awakening path! There are many types of healings and readings I could do, but this one is the most important… It can only be done one on one so that’s why I’m making it available in this way!


Hey, Bridget here!

Bridget Nielsen readingOn my awakening journey over the past 13 years, I’ve tried hundreds of processes and modalities…

Many of them helped me, and soothed the symptoms of my challenges… but there are only a handful of techniques that fundamentally changed my life!

This is one of them… An absolute gem that went to the core of my pain and suffering, and mended my soul so I could reunite with myself in a way I never imagined!!

Pure empowerment…

Sovereign independence and intimate connection simultaneously!

So what is it? What is this ‘Shangri La-esque’ experience?

Healing your mother wound… #mommatrauma (which heals your inner child)

You may be hearing crickets or nails on a chalkboard right now… hear me out!!

On the path of person transformation and spiritual development, we often search for Spirit, deep meaning, and our true selves by searching on other planets or in unseen realms.

inner child healing

What I’ve humbly learned on my path is that often, the direct path to everything we seek, is close to home…

In this case, like… in your childhood home…

The home from which you emerged into this world (your mom’s womb)… It’s something most people aren’t aware of because they’re so intertwined or enmeshed, they can’t see how much it affects every aspect of their lives and who they are…

This work helps your precious little self have all the space, safety, and love it didn’t get due to trauma and circumstances in childhood…

The Journey I’ll Guide You Through Will…

✓ Reunite you with the immense support, nourishment, blessings, and life-force of your mother and the universal Mother.

✓ Reprogram and gently calm your nervous system, so you feel more whole and relaxed in everyday life.

✓ Build your ‘core’ by rekindling and retrieving the most radiant parts of your soul, that got pushed out through trauma. This ‘core’ is your soul center and when it is reestablished you’ll feel less empathetically over-sensitivity, aligned with your inner knowing, and clear with your boundaries.

✓ Re-pattern negativity and challenge you consciously or unconsciously have with your mother, so you can experience peace, joy, and unconditional love…

✓ Mend overwhelm, codependency, neediness, or distance in relationships to balance anxious and avoidant attachment styles.

The Journey I’ll Guide You Through Will…

✓ Reunite you with the immense support, nourishment, blessings, and life-force of your mother and the universal Mother.

✓ Reprogram and gently calm your nervous system, so you feel more whole and relaxed in everyday life.

✓ Build your ‘core’ by rekindling and retrieving the most radiant parts of your soul, that got pushed out through trauma. This ‘core’ is your soul center and when it is reestablished you’ll feel less empathetically over-sensitivity, aligned with your inner knowing, and clear with your boundaries.

✓ Re-pattern negativity and challenge you consciously or unconsciously have with your mother, so you can experience peace, joy, and unconditional love…

✓ Mend overwhelm, codependency, neediness, or distance in relationships to balance anxious and avoidant attachment styles.

Is This Process For Me?

This work would be helpful for you if have challenges in romantic relationships, finances, addiction, illness, depression, anxiety, fear and unhappiness. If you are a highly sensitive person, highly empathetic, or often leave your body/checkout.  Most obviously, if you don’t have a relationship with your mom, are estranged, were adopted, or alternatively feel responsible to ‘mother’ and take care of her (emotionally, physically, mentally).

I had a good childhood and don’t remember any challenges or issues with my mom… Is this process still relevant and helpful?

This process deeply unwinds energetic imprints in your nervous system formed in the womb, when you were a baby, and in early childhood… that are often preverbal, or before you can remember. Even if you had a good childhood, there are things that your mom may have gone through that caused trauma and are negatively manifesting in your life today.

What’s Included!

✓  Journal Prompts and Exploratory Questions
✓  90 Minute Deep Somatic Process (Healing & Soul Retrieval)
✓  60 Minute Follow Up Integration Session
✓  Receiving Meditation
✓  Ancestral and Parental Love Meditation
✓  Bonus Inner Child Healing Course

This is Bridget Nielsen’s only 1 on 1 offering and will only be available for a limited time! Now is the moment to say yes to your precious little self 🙂

Ready to reconnect with more of your soul?

NOTE: This work is done via Zoom!! 

Also Note: I recommend embarking on this process when have time and space to integrate, not when you’re chaotically busy with excess responsibility. This isn’t just another exciting ‘spiritual modality’ to check off your list for fun… This is deep work and will require you to nurture yourself after the session, and in the weeks that follow with the tools, methods, and support I provide for you.

If you’d like to hear more about my experience, Click here to listen to the podcast episode.

Your Guide – Bridget Nielsen

Bridget Nielsen is an intuitive healer and personal development mentor, who specializes in uniting our metaphysical reality with our modern world.. She has evolved as an international speaker and published author, promoting messages that have awakened a devoted following.

Bridget trained with Mary Wolynn in Inherited Family Trauma, Sergio Magana in energy healing, and other renowned healing schools to learn family constellation, soul retrieval healing, and somatic therapy.

She is a world renowned facilitator and has hosted many retreats in sacred sites, including Hawaii, Mt. Shasta, Sedona, Tulum, Glastonbury, Ireland, and more. She is passionate about bringing like-hearted people together to experience a natural… Continue Reading


“Healing the “mother wound” seems to be such a key piece for all of us. Working with Bridget has been such a powerful experience to really deep dive in to the process of healing this central piece in my life. Bridget was super present, kind and compassionate. I felt so held through the process as Bridget is so skilled at holding space for others after years of experience working as a teacher and healer. But mostly Bridget has the most beautiful heart which is deeply felt when working with her. The best part is that I feel reconnected with my mother in the most loving way which was not the case before I started this process.”

Laurie A.

“Thank you for the reconnection with mum… this has changed me big time. I am able to observe my emotions and now have a process to calm my nervous system.”


“When I experienced this healing with Bridget Nielsen, she helped me awaken to all of the areas in my nervous system that I had “numbed out” because of the compounded trauma in my life. I have found that through this session, I have been able to remember the “safe place” within myself and through that somatic memory start to slowly come home to my true self. So absolutely grateful!”

Jocelyn D.

“Being able to experience the childhood trauma work with Bridget Nielsen was key in helping me objectively see and move through patterns related to my mother. Knowing Bridget’s experience of participating in this work herself made me extremely comfortable, confident and open to reveal vulnerable pieces of my past in a safe container she creates. Her ability to identify my key traumas was astounding to me. The approach that Bridget took was simple and extremely effective to make these aspects of myself visible.

By the end of the session, I found myself in a highly elevated state. The happiness, joy and blissful euphoria I was experiencing was surprising and extremely welcoming. I have felt a noticeable difference in my mental state of being overflowing into my relationships. The people close to me have noticed a difference in my physical, emotional and energetic state of being.

Bridget shines the light upon the subconscious, highlighting patterns that otherwise may have been left in the dark and being able to call upon an ally like her is a treasure that I cherish and am extremely grateful for.”

Keenan K.

inner child healing