Ancestral Healing & Connection Course
Discover how to let go of old ancestral patterns, so you can FEEL LIGHTER, awaken your genetic gifts, and experience incredible energetic SUPPORT and GUIDANCE in your daily life!
Hey, Bridget here!
I’m going to share a story with you about how I learned that the past has A LOT to do with our present state and circumstances.
Secondly, I’ve synthesized the golden KEYS, that I’ve tested for over a decade, so you can heal and activate it all in no time!!!!!!
“This was single handedly the most transformative and magical experience of my entire life… These exercises allowed me to not only tap into the wealth of support and love from my ancestors but helped me clear the way for my children and their lineage as well.”

Access Your Gifts! Experience Incredible Support & Guidance!
✓ Activate your DNA and epigenetic magnificence!
✓ Awaken your energetic inheritance, ancestral treasures and genetic gifts!
✓ Develop and hone your extrasensory perceptions & empathic boundaries
✓ Receive immense support, guidance, and unconditional love from your empowered ancestors
✓ Meet your ancestral guides & learn to listen to the whispers of your unseen allies
✓ Realign your aura and morphogenetic field (unconscious) with positive timelines
✓ Turn your personal or familial past into a source of strength
✓ Experience deep rooted knowing of your personal soul journey

Experience Healing & Discover Your ROOTS!
✓ Resolve the core origin of your current life challenges (relationships, health, finances, additions, reoccurring emotions/behaviors, and more…)
✓ Clear your unconscious negative patterns that feel sticky and continue to repeat
✓ Release inherited or passed-down (emotional, physical, spiritual) traumas
✓ Experience compassion and empathy for ancestors, parents, and yourself
✓ Free yourself and your family tree from invisible, unconscious burdens
✓ Discover your roots and true family history
About The Course!
This is a home study course which means you can go at your own pace! I take you step by step through this healing journey through a series of videos, exercises, and meditations!
You won’t be all on your own! I will support you with wherever you’re at in the course via our 2 LIVE calls!! Our private FB group will also be a place where you can ask questions and connect with other like-hearted people going on this journey with you!
6 Videos Ancestral Teaching, Exploration, & StoryTime Videos
7 Generations Family Constellation Healing Process
Ancient Toltec “Bone & Blood” Healing
“Ancestral Altar” Divination Ritual
Shamanic DNA Activation Journey
Meet Your Ancestral Guide Exercise
Meet Your Tribal Soul Support Constellation Process
6, 90 Minute Recorded Group Q&A Sessions
Private Telegram Group for Sharing & Connection
Ancestral Healing with Angels Meditation by Melanie Beckler
+ FREE LIVE BONUS 2024 – 2 LIVE Ceremony & Q&A Calls with Bridget! October 26th & October 31st at 10AM Pacific via Zoom
Each exercise will make you feel lighter and more empowered! Once you’ve gone through the course your inherited gifts will be lit and activated!
For the past 15 years, I’ve devoured, explored, and tested family lineage and ancestral healing techniques from traditions around the world!!
I’ve invested $8,400 in immersive training programs, and well over $2,300 for my personal transformation in this arena.
I believe in the 100th monkey effect where you can experience the same powerful transformation in a fraction of the time… for a fraction of the cost!!
I’ve synthesized everything I’ve learned into this effective, and affordable course for you!
What cost me over $10,000 is only a $297 investment…
And also receive the 2 FREE Bonuses Calls ($97 Value) in 2024 where I’ll personally help you with any question, and guide you through a special ceremony!
Ancestral Healing & Connection Course
Ready to enroll in this home study course?
~ Until October 24th, Payment Plan Available ~
Click The Orange Button Below To Enroll Now!
Remember you can cancel your purchase at any time within the first 14 days. I offer a 100% money back guarantee!
Simply email me at and I will process your refund with no questions asked.
Powerful techniques, exercises, and meditations are waiting for you!
What happens after I purchase the course? After your purchase has processed, you will be sent a confirmation email to create your login and password, which will give you instant access to the the online Teachable portal where you can access the course material!
Is This Course For Me?
This course is for you if you wish to create positive shifts in any aspects your life. It will help you remember your roots and create an incredible line of energetic support for you!
✓ Yes, if you want to help the world! Activating your ancestral lines of light is one of the most amazing ways that you can assist humanity by healing yourself!
✓ Yes, if you’re having life challenges (relationships, health, finances, addictions, reoccurring emotions/behaviors, and more…) and/or unconscious negative patterns that feel sticky and continue to repeat.
✓ Yes, if you have re-occurring issues with your family or other generations related to you had lots of hardship…that’s a sign for you to pursue this work. When you heal yourself, through these ancestral processes, the healing becomes available to your whole family tree and lineage! It also heals generations to come.
Your Guide – Bridget Nielsen
The ancestors whispered in my ear and urged me that now is the time to share everything I’ve learned to help YOU awaken your greatness!

Bridget Nielsen is an intuitive healer and personal development mentor, who specializes in uniting our metaphysical reality with our modern world.. She has evolved as an international speaker and published author, promoting messages that have awakened a devoted following.
This course is a compilation of the top techniques that have worked for Bridget and her clients for more than a decade. She is trained in “Inherited Family Trauma”, renown healing schools, family constellation, and communes with the ancestors to create her own unique approach to heal and activate your empowered ancestry.
She is a world renowned facilitator and has hosted many retreats in sacred sites… Cont. Reading
What Others Are Saying About This Course!!
If you experience repeated patterns in your life that aren’t serving you, and you desire a powerful guide to assist you in calling in your ancestral allies, as well as cutting cords with negative ancestral traits, I highly recommend taking Bridget’s course. I know very little about my father or his side of the family, but through this course I’ve connected with seven generations of my paternal family and healed deep wounds of abandonment and rejection.
I could actually sense acknowledgment, sorrow and unconditional love from certain ancestors in that line, one even came forth to share his being the reason I sing so well and have an ear for music. I also got to connect with and heal issues with living family members on an energetic level, where attempting to do so in person has proven to be quite challenging. This course helped me see my family through different filters and perspectives which brought about more compassion and understanding. I’m so grateful for and inspired by Bridget and her Soul Light Collective group, and for the incredible healing work she continues to take on and share with the world. Thank you!
I had the privilege of being a part of Bridget’s ancestral class. With her direction and support, this was single handedly the most transformative and magical experience of my entire life. I went into it with no expectations and within the first exercise i was blown away. These exercises allowed me to not only tap into the wealth of support and love from my ancestors but helped me clear the way for my children and their lineage as well.
I was able to clear some negative patterns from my families lineage and was shown how these patterns were affecting my daughter directly today. I am happy to report that not only do I have a closer relationship with my mother(after literally experiencing many things she went though and seeing it through her eyes and in her skin) but I have a much deeper appreciation for my family and therefore myself.
Do yourself a favor and go into this with an open mind and heart and take the leap of faith. You will come out of this experience with newfound roots and so glad you did it. Such a beautiful experience, to dance with those that came before us, to heal those wounds for them and in turn for yourself and to pave a new brighter way for your children and loved ones. What a blessing.
Meet your ancestral guides & hear the whispers of your unseen allies.
Ancestral Healing & Connection Course
Click The Orange Button Below To Enroll Now!