A Transformational Program Designed to Reconnect, Realign, and Awaken Your Feminine Essence.
NEW 13 Week Container Begins March 9th, 2025 (Reserve Now)
This program ignites your transformation into a woman who truly celebrates your innate beauty, lives with purpose, aligns with your intuition, and embraces your natural rhythm… creating a life full of passion, harmony, vitality, and meaningful relationships!
Tired of trying to fit the crazy unattainable standards on social media and in society?
Disheartened by burnout, fatigue and imbalanced moon-cycles?
Sick of never being good enough? Frustrated by being ‘too much’, while keeping so much inside… Instead of celebrating your unique beauty, and expressing your true self?
Done with living life on the surface? Ready for deep connection, passion, and intimacy?
I get it! I was there too…
Hi, I’m Bridget! I’m honored you’re here…
From a young age, I was programmed by MTV (millennial here, lol), family, and culture that the ideal woman was the one who turned heads, became a ‘boss babe,’ and helped everyone at the expense of herself…
In my 20s, I sought validation from men and overextended myself, but felt empty, anxious, and unfulfilled. By my 30th birthday, I woke up burnt out and realized, “I made myself what I was ‘supposed’ to be and it’s NOT working!!”
Who wrote this script? Not an ecstatic, nourished, and deeply fulfilled woman… that’s for sure!!
Sadly, our mothers, grandmothers, and culture has been ‘under the spell’ of the patriarchy for generations… and in modern times, the same energy has be repackaged as unattainable augmented reality, “keeping up with the Joneses” nightmare on steroids!
So, I prayed… “There must be another way… Please show me the way??”
By the grace of the Divine Mother, I found incredible mentors, heard the whispers of the ancestors, and was initiated by an ancient group of women who never forgot…
I remembered and felt the time before ‘the suppression of the feminine’… when She was revered as sacred, and imbued with the empowerment of Her Creatorship. Through healing, listening, clear guidance, and sisterhood… I began embodying my natural feminine.

Let me tell you a secret… You are MORE than enough!
This is the amazing part, there is nothing wrong with you!! You’re not broken… But these collective, matrilineal, and childhood wounds and programs live in your cells, nervous system, heart and womb.
The pain you feel is old embedded patterns and by healing them, and kindling the Truth of your unique feminine purpose, the light of your soul can shine once again! [Where all true beauty originates!]
It’s time to stop being a pawn in the patriarchal game and start being a queen! And not in the explicit [flaunty] Instagram kind of way… In a deeply profound way that emanates grace, purity, confidence, and unwavering empowerment!
You don’t have to do this alone… Personal work is fantastic, but it can be a matrix hook of independence that perpetuates isolation, and doesn’t allow your connective feminine nature to flourish!
Feminine transformation and embodiment requires immersion… in the healed energy transmission of the balanced feminine. Experiencing belonging and receiving support in an circle of authentic sisterhood is KEY!
The Curriculum of WOMAN
This transformational ~ 13 Week Journey ~ is gentle and potent… designed to unfurl, with patient witnessing, the inner flowers of your heart and womb.
By the end of 13 weeks you’ll love and appreciate being a woman… Feel confident, rooted, and intimately connected with yourself… and life!
It’s time to make yourself THE priority in 2025… To fill your cup and learn to receive, so you can radiate your ecstatic essence, and be full in order to overflow and serve others.
No more self-abandonment, comparison, stress, and fatigue. This is a space to show up for yourself and kindly carve out time, through this dedicated space, to nourish yourself!
This is a kind, sweet, deep, rich, fulfilling, serious, playful, and fierce sacred space to return to yourself!
What You Can Expect On This Transformational Journey!
- Discover your feminine virtues aligned with sacred principles
- De-program cultural distortions and sexual programs
- Call back your energy + power, and reclaim your sacred NO!
- Transition from dopamine to an oxytocin hormonal lifestyle
- Discover your authentic essence and innate beauty
- Restore your matrilineal line and relationships with women
- Experience true safety in your body and emotions
- Attract (or enrich) an ecstatic loving sacred union relationship

What You’ll Experience and Embody…
Each woman is beautifully unique, and with devotion and gentle care, this program is designed to assist you…
● Cultivate Confidence & Self-Love: Unlock radical self-acceptance, forgiveness, and self-respect to empower unshakable knowing in your self-worth, and sacredness as a woman.
● Soften Into Your Feminine Essence: Live from your feminine rhythm, balance your masculine + feminine energies, celebrate all phases of womanhood, and rekindle your ancestral treasures!
● Harness Your Emotional Sensitivity As A Superpower: Experience your empathic spirit and emotions as a gift! Experience all of your feelings, yearnings, hesitations, and dreams as…not only valid, but essential teachers for your wholeness.
● Ignite Your Sensuous Nature: Discover your unique ‘wild woman’ essence, passionate expression, and sensuality to attract and sustain a deeply fulfilling relationship — devoted to sacred union and heart-based intimacy.
● Elevate Your Expression To Live Your Purpose: Align your thoughts, beliefs, and actions with the most authentic version of yourself, so you can be full in order to overflow and become a role model or leader.
● Awaken Your Intuitive Nature: Coax your primal instincts by cultivating deep listening to reconnect with your true nature, and live life as a ritual + ceremony. Unlock your innate creativity and discover your true voice!

“Bridget is an incredible teacher with such a deep profound knowledge and wisdom. The techniques that she uses opened my mind and the course literally changed my life.” – Severine, Germany
This program is designed like a retreat that is woven into your everyday life… spread over 3 months (13 weeks). The continuity, support, and accountability will assist you through ruts, and negative patterns that block you from your true self!
Small simple steps ~ every day ~ is where real change and transformation takes place.
WOMAN is designed to shift you… from within your life.
With the deep consistent support of this sacred container, bi-weekly calls, weekly exercises, creative practices, and interactive sisterhood, you’ll have ALL the resources and support you need to become the woman you yearn to be… in your daily life.
Here are definitions and the energetic orientation that will be the basis for this program. Click to read the definitions of this program.
We live in a world of instant manifestation, but the deepest and most sensitive parts of us need time to feel safe to emerge… Trauma takes time to melt. The richest and most delicate layers of self, and the feminine, need space… over time, which is why I designed this program to be 13 weeks.

About Bridget
Bridget is a world renowned facilitator and intuitive healer. She’s trained for 15 years in dozens of forms of somatic therapy, shamanic healing schools, soul retrieval, and more…
She helps women ready to reconnect with their innate feminine essence, moving from burnout, imbalance, and societal pressure to embodied grace… and a deeply meaningful life of JOY and radiant fulfillment!
WOMAN is designed to kindly empower and support your softening, natural alignment, and authentic expression!
Each week we will deep dive into real, meaningful topics to receive clarity, guidance, healing, and support. We’ll cover a deep esoteric aspect of the feminine, and apply it to relevant aspects of your life for empowerment and upliftment.
The Beginning – Call #1 Returning To The Sacred – Remembering your unique feminine nature and restoring the principles that nourish us in life. The following are themes we’ll cover each month on the live calls and in the course material.
Month 1 – Connection with Self
- Returning to Your Natural Rhythm & The 5 Moon Phases
- The Trinity of Female Initiation – Self Love, Beauty, Aging
- Creative Expression – Throat Chakra & Past Lives
- Receiving & Filling Your Cup – Feminine Virtues & Boundaries
Month 2 – Connection with The Feminine
- Bond with Mother, Earth & Inner Child
- Coming of Age – Womanhood Initiation
- Belonging – Sisterhood Wound & Healing
- Matrilineal Treasures, Leadership, & Healing Support
Month 3 – Connection with The Masculine
- Balancing Masculine & Feminine Energy in Modern Life
- Relationship with Father & Releasing Patriarchy Wound
- Sacred Sexuality, Intimacy & Cosmic Orgasms
- Romantic Relationships & Sacred Union

,The Circle Calls
Together, we’ll weave a sacred container of light to be a refuge from distortion in the world, and cultivate a nourishing temple of nourishing sisterhood.
This program includes 8, 90 minute calls (with an extra 30 minute coaching bonus, for those who choose to stay = 120 minutes).
These calls are sacred spaces for transformation and sanctuary. They will keep you accountable on your spiritual path by giving you bi-weekly mentoring and powerful ceremonial space that will motivate you to show up, cultivate your inner feminine, and be nourished by other women.
The format of the calls is very specific to make the most of our special ~LIVE~ time together, and to honor everyone’s individual time.
- 10 Minutes: Feminine Embodiment Practice
- 20 Minutes: Weekly Lesson & Remembrances (Teachings)
- 30 Minutes: Reflections & Group Sharing
- 30 Minutes: Healing Process and/or Transformational Meditation
You’ll have the opportunity to connect with dozens of other like-hearted soul sisters, to befriend, and connect with on your spiritual path in our private Telegram group!
All calls will be recorded and available for replay within a day of the live call.
First Call: Sunday, March 9th, 2025… Held in the New Moon, Spring Energies! More details down below…

WOMAN is an online program ‘retreat’ and sisterhood circle to awaken, align, and empower your natural feminine… a heart-expanding experience that is only available here, in this exclusive setting… just for you!
✓ 3 Month Guided Journey in a Sacred Container of Healing Transformation ($2500 Value)
✓ 8, 90 Minute Immersive Sacred Ritual & LIVE Remembrance Calls
✓ 13 Rituals, Processes and Empowering Exercises
✓ 13 Creative Exploration Journal Prompts ($300)
✓ Sisterhood Connection & Accountability Via Telegram Group
✓ FREE BONUS Coaching & Healing Support – For 30 Minutes After Each Call ($1000 Value)
✓ $200 OFF WOMAN When You Attend Bridget’s Spring Sedona Retreat
Take The Next Step…
It’s time to make yourself THE priority in 2025!!
Let me help you save money trying things that don’t work, and skip yearsszzss of struggle, pain, anxiety, and frustration… so you can experience nourishing, life-changing transformation in a gentle way… where you can fall in love with yourself, and feel empowered to embody your natural femininity!
The invaluable wealth of experience and knowledge shared in each of the live remembrance circles and powerful processes, as well 13 weeks of exercises and teachings is worth well over $5,500….
This program is normally $1,097, but apply for WOMAN 2.0 now, and get the early-bird special for only $267/mo (for 3 months).
How much does it cost you to stay stuck, and not fully express your feminine nature?
I know it may feel uncomfortable investing in yourself, and receiving what you need, but valuing yourself is essential to break free from limiting patterns so you can heal!
NOW is the time to commit to yourself… and embrace a life of grace, beauty, empowerment, and fulfillment…
Click the purchase link above ☝️ to access our secure payment page.
Once your payment details have been confirmed, we can celebrate!! You’re IN, and have taken a MAJOR step in the direction of healing, alignment, and transformation!
You’ll be sent a welcome email from me with next steps, and a separate email with login details from Teachable… where you can access your private account with course material. See you on the inside!
The early-bird special ends on March 5th, after that date the price goes up $200. The doors close to this program on March 8th. The program begins March 9th!
You can get 100% of your money back… Guaranteed!
I’m so confident that you’re going to LOVE this program that you can have a full 14 days once the program is LIVE to experience it with zero risk!
If at any point you don’t feel like you’re getting your money’s worth… or if you’d like a refund for any reason at all, just email bridget@bridgetnielsen.com and I’ll process your refund ASAP!
No questions asked! Your satisfaction and what works for your spiritual growth is my number one priority.
HAve More Questions?
Is WOMAN For Me?
This program is a designated for biological women, and is for women of any age, after initial mensuration (‘coming of age’ 13-15 years old).
If you resonate with what you’ve read above and feel the call to soften into your feminine, and transform… WOMAN is likely for you!
If you have questions or need help deciding if this program is a right fit, I (Bridget) would be more than happy to jump on a call with you to explore your needs and receive guidance on how this program can support your feminine empowerment journey!
Email me at bridget@bridgetnielsen.com
Are calls pre-recorded so we can attend around our schedules?
All calls will be recorded and available for replay within a day of the live call.
Each call will begin at 10 a.m. Pacific Time to accommodate women in Europe and Australian time zones. We’ll prioritize Sundays for most of the calls, some of them will be on a different time and day to accommodate other other scheduling needs. The first call is Sunday, March 2nd, 2025.
What support is available throughout the program?
WOMAN has many avenues of support!
Telegram Group: We’ll have a dedicated and active Telegram group to stay in touch, connect, and receive support throughout, and after the program.
Free Bonus Coaching! After each 90 Minute Call, I will stay on to work with whoever needs support, or has questions about anything that’s arising from the material and process. This is dedicated time for tailored — emotional and energetic processing, the primary call is for deep group work and sacred cultivation.
Sisterhood Circle Support: You’ll find that group calls and the Telegram group are full of support, care, listening, and celebration (which may be new for you, yay)! That’s part of what we’re learning and REMEMBERING in this program is mutual support, complementarity, and recipricity… in a safe, real, and loving container!
How Much Time Do I Need To Commit?
There is no rush in this program… You’re invited and encouraged to go at your own pace! I recommend dedicating about 20 minutes per day to the exercises, journal prompts, and YOU time.
For group calls, I encourage you to attend at least half of the calls LIVE, and on time — with your camera on, present and ready to dive in.
The more you give and dedicate yourself to this process, the more you’ll get out of it… and the more it will assist the group, and the more the group will assist you. Reciprocity.
Are there any payment plans or scholarships available for this program?
Yes!! There is a payment option which splits the amount for the program into 3 payments of $267 that are charged automatically each month. This is the early-bird special that ends on January 18th (Save $200). Begin payments before that date to lock in the discounted price!
We offer limited number of partial scholorships, please contact me for details bridget@bridgetnielsen.com
Remember, you’re worth it!
“Being a part of the WOMAN container has been life altering. I so look forward to each call we have. It feels like what “going to church on Sunday’s” must feel like to some. It feels like a deeply connected community and such a safe container. This journey has been really supportive and incredibly powerful for me. I feel the presence of magic, a deep remembrance, and great reverence for the work that Bridget bestows upon us with each gathering. I am so grateful to be a part of this community. My life has been forever changed. I have never felt so connected to my purpose, my heart, my body, and my life! ” – Julia, Canada
“Bridget created a beautiful container to be heard, held, supported, and uplifted. She provided us with tools, reading lists, music, ceremony, and facilitated a loving space where we could all grow at our own pace and together in trust. And grow we did!
Each of us learned how valuable it is to come together with a group of women where you can share in love and trust. We all benefited from Bridget’s own experiences and learned wisdom, her ability to fully listen and empathize, and her joy working with us over the course of 13 weeks. I highly recommend working with Bridget in any way that is open to you.” – Aimee, Arizona
“Bridget is an incredible teacher with such a deep profound knowledge and wisdom. The techniques that she uses opened my mind and literally the course changed my life.” – Severine, Germany
“Working with Bridget changed my life on so many levels… With expert perception and incredibly rooted insight Bridget enabled such a deep space of healing that I began to witness some of the biggest internal changes I have ever felt. These changes continue to move through me and my life as the days go by.
Bridget is a dedicated and devoted healer. She walks her talk and truly allows her own experiences to the orchard which bears fruit. I recommend all my friends to work with her and will continue to do so as I know her consistent ability to show up will only deepen.
I have also watched Bridget step into her own power as a woman over the years, and it is by far one of the most remarkable shifts I have seen in anyone.
She holds a space of deep integrity and embodies the feminine principles of life with grace. Everyone deserves to spend time in her radiant, discerning, powerful energy at least once!” – Dilara, UK
“Through Bridget’s tenderness and loving compassionate presence, I felt truly held and safe, which opened up the space I needed to go deep into parts of myself that did not trust me. I felt a sense of “coming home to my true essence”… a somatic feeling that is beyond words.
Bridget has a gift to see clearly right to the core of what is going on, and intuition and wisdom beyond her years to help bring awareness and guidance so one can take their healing into their own hands.
“It’s truly unusual to find someone who is on the ancient path of spiritual seeking and sharing such potent wisdom from a place of true integrity and humility.
Impeccable integrity, kindness and gentleness/caring, a powerfully solid and timeless value system and consistently showing up for what she believes in or “walking her talk” are all key components to the way Bridget shows up in the world.
She truly is in service, she gives and guides from her heart, and illuminates the wisdom and true knowingness that is innate in each and every one of us.” – Samantha, South Africa

What if you left the confusion and pain caused by the distance from your heart and womb behind.
What if you followed her rivers edge and returned, and emerged as the true Woman you are…
A woman who listens to nature and who all of nature responds to…
A woman connected to her rhythms and the pulse of her body
A woman who unceasingly listens to her intuition and sacred Creatorship
A woman who commands NO with boundaries and empowerment
A woman who fiercely defends and honors her sacred sexuality
A woman who is a shining light and precious gift to her community
A woman who is a true sister and uplifts the women around her
A woman who children feel inspired to witness and encouraged to become
A woman who cherishes her man, and who men honor and revere for the sacred treasure she is
A woman who respects and deeply loves herself… and with every breath, wrinkle, and experience falls more in love with her sacred path
A woman who with her very last breath relishes in the aligned sacred way she walked in this life.
A woman who remembers…