Harness Your Co-Creative Abilities for Positive Personal and Planetary Change
SATURDAY & SUNDAY: DEC 29th & 30th, 2018
4, 90-Minute Sessions: Beginning 11am Pacific
Join Bridget, Christina and your fellow Starseed Community
for this powerful Online Visioning Retreat!

Bridget Nielsen
Inter-Dimensional Bridge

Christina Merkley
Visual Process Professional
It’s Game Time: the SHIFT is upon us. Your Starseed Soul specifically chose this time to incarnate on this beautiful planet. It’s time to get clear on who you are and how you can best serve during these chaotic changing times.
Bridget and Christina combine their unique specialties to help you raise your vibration and hone your co-creative abilities for a powerful 2019 and beyond.
Retreat Outcomes – What Will You Receive?
Christina and Bridget collaboratively pool their hearts, knowledge and tools to expertly facilitate you through this Personal and Community Retreat.
- Gather With Like Hearted People From Across the Globe to Collectively Focus On What You Prefer for 2019 and Beyond (Cast Your Energetic Vote);
- Strategically Take Advantage of the Holiday Lull Weekend to Get Clear On Who You Now Are and How Your Specific Mission Fits Into the Big Picture;
- Smartly Organize Your Thoughts, Emotions and Energy Using Leading Edge Visual Process Tools;
- Move Beyond Feeling Overwhelmed, Depression and Anger Into the Higher Vibrations of Stability, Empowerment and Determination;
- Effectively Play Your Part in Our Current Transformation Puzzle … For Yourself, Your Partnerships, Your Groups, Your Planet and Your Galaxy.

Retreat Design
This is a fully Online Retreat, designed for you to work both personally and collectively with the group. There are four sessions in which Christina and Bridget share information and work with volunteers to demonstrate the Visual Planning and Energy Alignment tools. With time in between for you to do your own thinking and feeling work. We also have a private forum in which to upload maps and interact with one another.
Webinar 1: Saturday, December 29, 11am – 12:30 pacific
Crossroads Issues and Historical Mapping
Our planet is at a crossroads and that energy impacts each of us in unique ways. In this first session we kick off our Retreat by helping you determine what your own current Crossroads Issues are and how they influence your thoughts, feelings and actions. Our present circumstances are a result of past thoughts, feelings and actions. We then conduct a fast Life Mapping exercise to see the key milestones of your life journey to date.
Break Assignment: Complete Your Crossroads and History Maps
Webinar 2: Saturday, December 29, 3:30pm – 5:00 pacific
Visioning / Evolutionary Whispers
Now that you have mapped your Present and Past we turn our sights to the Desired Future. We help you contact and communicate with one of your most important spiritual allies: your Future Self.
Your Future Self lives out on the Best Case Scenario timeline where all has turned out beautifully for both yourself and the planet. She or he shares what their world is like and guides you on what your unique doings and beings are to bring about their reality. They also have several gifts to impart to you to make your journey easier.
Evening Assignment: Meet and communicate with your Future Self. Complete as many Magnetism Maps as you like from the various levels of focus: Personal, Partner/Couple, Group, Planet and Galaxy.
Webinar 3: Sunday, December 30, 11am – 12:30 pacific
Trouble at the Border and Action Planning
There can be a tendency, especially for Starseeds, to experience resistance and interference (from self and others) when you try to vision for yourself, the planet and our galaxy. In this session we discuss resistance and interference (what Christina calls Trouble at the Border).
Additionally, once your resistance is identified and addressed, you will map an Action Plan (of doings and beings) to become your fuller, more authentic self. Victimhood is a lose / lose for yourself and for the planet at large. In this webinar we support you to participate in your own rescue. To stretch your Personality in order to appease your Soul so you can play your part in the grand plan of transformation and growth that is unfolding.
Break Assignment: Complete Your Flip It and Action Plan Maps
Webinar 4: Sunday, December 30, 3:30pm – 5:00 pacific
Questions and Closure
Whew, over the course of four webinars over two days we have covered a lot of inner and outer territory!
On this final session we field open Q&A’s and conduct a collective Galactic Magnetism Map from all assembled. We end with final goodbyes and next steps, including an overview of the Bonus Webinar for those who are joining us at the Deluxe level.
Final Assignment: Complete any outstanding maps and further engage in the Online Forum and via SHIFT-IT eCommunity.
BONUS WEBINAR: Saturday, January 5 at 3:30pm – 5 Pacific (Deluxe Level)
On this Bonus Webinar offered for Deluxe Purchasers we facilitate an additional session on resistance and interference using the powerful Orphan Rescue, a soul retrieval protocol.
Orphans (soul loss) can happen in this life, past lives and across our multi-dimensional experiences. Learn how to use triggers in the present to identify and take responsibility for your personal Inner Work . The more you integrate your Orphans the more you experience safety, stability and higher vibrational situations.
Assignment: List your triggers about our current times and apply the Orphan Rescue Protocol for enhanced maturity and stabilization. Complete any outstanding maps and further engage in the Online Forum and via SHIFT-IT eCommunity.
Who Is This Retreat For?
This retreat is for anyone wishing to take personal responsibility for their lives and to energetically assist in the changing times our world is encountering. It offers practical information and tools to assist you to see and understand your evolutionary journey and to more confidently take your next steps for 2019 and beyond.
Starseeds (or Starblooms as Bridget likes to say) is a pop culture term for people who identify at a larger planetary perspective. Starseeds are caring people who want to help our world shift to a more positive timeline. Starseeds come from post WW2 generations including boomer (early wave), Gen X (mid wave), Millennials and younger generations (late waver indigos and crystals). They are particularly interested in environmental issues, politics, cultural change and sensible use of technology driven by open public discourse (i.e. disclosure). And inter-species respect both here on earth and beyond.
You do not have to identify as a Starseed to attend this retreat however most likely the majority of attendees will identify with the label to some extent.
Both Bridget and Christina are creative people. Bridget is a Multi-dimensional Artist while Christina is a seasoned Visual Practitioner who uses visual and other methods in her process work with groups and individuals. Throughout this Online Retreat you will use Christina’s suite of SHIFT-IT Visual Coaching tools to literally draw your answers out of you and organize them.
If you are an artist, you can use the provided maps as a base for your own expression. If you are not an artist, the maps give you a base which you can simply write upon. The maps are pragmatic aids for the visioning, planning and inner work that we do at the Retreat. While deceptive simple they are actually a sophisticated methodology to corral your focus and energy.
About The Facilitators

Bridget Nielsen is an intuitive healer and personal development mentor, who specializes in uniting our metaphysical reality with our modern world. She is a international speaker, published author and plant-based chef. In private sessions, she reawakens the inner starseed to their mission, life purpose, hybrid children connections and contact experiences.
She is a world renowned facilitator and has hosted many retreats in sacred sites, including Hawaii, Mt. Shasta, Sedona, Tulum, and Glastonbury. She has inspired the lives of many, with over 200 videos and 2.7 million views to ignite your spiritual awakening, extraterrestrial engagement, and living a healthy life.

Christina Merkley is a Graphic Facilitator specializing in Strategic Planning and Visioning. Her client roster has included Hewlett-Packard, eBay, Stanford University, The American Institute of CPAs, British Broadcasting Corp, U.S. Department of Energy, The Institute for the Future and NASA.
A pioneer in Visual Coaching (merging visuals with personal growth) she maintains a global coaching practice in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada and trains fellow Process Professionals from across the planet. In addition to her professional facilitation skills she’s a contactee with a rich history of multi-dimensional experiences. For more info see www.shift-it-coach.com
How Do I Attend The Online Retreat?
The SHIFT-IT For Starseeds Online Retreat is conducted by web conferencing technology via 4 online webinars (an additional session if you are a Deluxe Purchaser).
There is no travel required, you simply connect from your own geographic location via the digital device of your choice (computer, mobile phone or tablet). A dial-in U.S. phone number is also available.
All sessions are fully Video Recorded for easy replay. You can participate in this program partially or completely via the recordings if you desire However, it is not ideal (as attending live is preferable for the group energetics).

Pick The Best Plan For You!
Fees, Levels & Payment Plans
There are TWO LEVELS to choose from: BASIC and DELUXE. Several payment plan options are also available.
6 Hours of Online Retreat Facilitation Via 4 Live Webinars:
1. Saturday, December 29, 11am – 12:30 pacific
2. Saturday, December 29, 3:30pm – 5:30 pacific
3. Sunday, December 30, 11am – 12:30 pacific
4. Sunday, December 30, 3:30pm – 5:30 pacific
Video and MP3 Recordings of Each Webinar
SHIFT-IT Retreat eBook: Includes 4 Visual Maps (Current Crossroads, History, Future and Action Plan).
Magnetism Map Series: Include 5 Visual Maps So You Can Vision at Multiple Levels: Individual, Couple, Group, Planet and Galactic.
Flip It, Flip It Good eBook: Includes Expanded Version of Resistance Work.
Private Online Forum: In Which to Upload Maps and Interact With One Another Before, During and After the Retreat.
Plus Free Lifetime Membership in Christina’s Monthly Support Group: The SHIFT-IT eCommunity (a $297 value);
1 Payment of $222.00 REGISTER HERE
3 Payments of $82.00 REGISTER HERE
Fees are in U.S. Funds. Payment Plans Include Additional Admin Fee. Payment Plans Pull Every 30 Days Until Complete.
Everything in the Basic Level, Plus;
1 Private Session With Bridget: 45-Minutes Via Private Web Conference
1 Private Session With Christina: 45-Minutes Via Private Web Conference
1 Additional 90-Minute Group Webinar: Advanced Orphan Rescue Technique To Combat Resistance and Interference: on Saturday, January 6 at 3:30pm – 5 Pacific.
Orphan Rescue eBook: Includes Instructions and Visual Map
1 Payment of $444.00 REGISTER HERE
3 Payments of $156.00 REGISTER HERE
5 Payments of $98.00 REGISTER HERE
Fees are in U.S. Funds. Payment Plans Include Additional Admin Fee. Payment Plans Pull Every 30 Days Until Complete.

P.S. Further Questions? Email admin@shift-it-coach.com and our team will reply as soon as we can!