
12 Month Healing & Mentorship Program


Want me to be your private healer and mentor for a WHOLE YEAR!?

This exclusive program is for you IF you are truly ready to release and dedicated BLOOMING into your best self!!

I will utilize every skill and modality I know, with over 10 years of healing and coaching experience, to facilitate your transformation on all levels – mind, body, spirit!! I will hold you in a pure field of wholeness, allowing you to embody who you came to Earth to be.

My mission is to be your ultimate cheerleader. I will help you build positive momentum to create new habits and embody your higest soul nature. I will support you in every way I can to truly make long-term change.

This immersive program will practical and deeply metaphysical. 

This program is my ONLY 1 on 1 offering in 2020, and I am only accepting 2 applicants!

Spiritual Energies we will
heal & transform!

Chakra Attunement and Activation 

Guardian Angel and Spirit Guide Connections 

Higher Self & Future Self Integration

Soul Retrieval, Childhood Wounds, and Trauma Healing

Past Life Integration

Energetic Field Clearning 

Ancestral Healing

Dream Seeding

Day To Day practicalities
we will explore!

Soul Mission & Life Purpose

Diet & Health

Abundance & Money


Creative Expression

Life Balance & Fun! 

The Program Includes

The format will be personally crafted for your needs! I recommend we work immersively for the first 6 weeks (1 call/week) and then have follow up accoutability calls 1x per month!

✓ 16, 60-90 minute recorded zoom calls

✓ Video chat check-ins 1x/mo for 12 months

✓ Exercises, assignments, meditations, & accountability support

✓ FREE Access to my Soul Light Collective program & all of my courses ($1,347 value)

✓ 25% OFF any of my spiritual retreats in 2020 ($997 value)

Invest In Yourself

This package is not for the faint of heart nor cheap, but it is deeply powerful and truly WORKS! I will be your private healer and mentor for a WHOLE YEAR! Only 2 spots available in 2020.

Package Price   $9,997

Payment plan available (3 payments of 3,333).

Testimonials From Other Initiates

“Bridget initiates you onto your path. She holds such a gentle and loving space, deeply intuitive and heart centered, and if you’re ready for it her energy also asks you to step up to your full self. To stop playing small. And she cheers you on in whatever sized steps you take.”

Chelsea | North Carolina, USA

“My heart is bursting after a month of guidance & healing with this incredible being. Rediscovering so many beautiful, but lost & hidden, aspects of myself. Seeing and creating life shifts I only dreamt of before. My reality & consciousness exploding. Words can’t describe it. I am so full of gratitude & excitement. I feel whole again. Thank you Bridget! You freaking rock!!!!”

Annalisa | Brighton, England

“I’ve never had a Coaching of this kind and I did not know what to expect. With Bridget I would repeat it anytime.

With the hope to find more answers about my purpose and to take the next step, I reached out to Bridget. What I experienced, however, was anything but what I could have imagined (in a positive way). You can not really put such an experience into words – you have to experience it. 🙂 Not only did we heal parts of me that were hidden from me, we also discovered those that I had forgotten. A true adventure filled with love, discovery and magic.

Awakening, loving, inspiring, motivating and bright are not even a fraction of what Bridget’s persona describes. She has an inexplicable talent in triggering your higher self. During the coaching she was able to create an enormous space in which not only I could be who I am but also was able to awaken new sides in me and anchor them through different techniques and processes. The true I essence intensified in such a wonderful way for which there are no words. Together, we were able to create a momentum that functions to my best interest.

Working with her has been one of my best decisions so far. Thanks Bridget. Thank you for your concern, for your openness, for your understanding, your generosity, your support and love – keep bridging the worlds and lighting up the starry sky. 🙂

Sabri | Switzerland


I recommend my Soul Light Collective membership. This affordable online program is full of amazing content including LIVE monthly spiritual masterclass, meditations, personal development development exercises. Make like-hearted friendships, bond on group calls, and be an important node within the Soul Light Collective.