1 Day Galactic Family Playshop!
Making Contact with Your Star Family & Hybrid Children
Sep 13th, 2015 ~ In the Sedona Vortex, AZ!
This event, nor I are in no way associated with Bashar Communications. I simply love the channeled material.
With Bridget Nielsen

Morning Adventure – Sedona Vortex Immersion:
9-11:30 AM, September 13th
I will guide you on a vortex walk the Sedona Birthing Cave. This place is a Sirian portal and activate clearer contact within you. We will do a meditation to sync with the Sedona vortex, and a visualization to energetically recreate ET contact.
Morning Adventure Only: $55
Afternoon Adventure – Intuitive ET – Art Workshop
1:30-4 PM, September 13th
In this workshop, I will share intuitive channeling techniques for you to become your own channel, and enable you to connect with the hybrid children and/or star family. I will bring through any messages for you and the group will also assist as a communication conduit for ET contact interaction. Through the medium of watercolor, you will bring through a variety of energetic paintings. No art skills are needed… We will be guided in a very fun, flowing and natural way! This is one of my favorite sharing circles, because the ETs always show up in the most curious and beautiful ways.
Afternoon Adventure only $65
Retreat Value: $99 for full day, add lunch for $14 ($113). Click here to Register. Morning Adventure only: $55, Afternoon Adventure only: $65. Please reserve your spot in advance so I can prepare accordingly 🙂