
When I was 6 years old I was on a hike with my family, and we took a shortcut down the face of the mountain. My aunt kicked loose a big boulder, that was headed straight for me, but my guardian angel stepped in and saved my life.

There is much more happening in the non-physical realm than we imagine. In the following video I share my spiritual experience that was a miracle. It deeply imprinted the realness of non-corporal beings and their deep engagement with humanity. This near death experience also taught me about how to alter soul contracts through life review, and to continue living by shifting to an alternate parallel timeline.

Angels are non-physical, benevolent protectors, who have your best interest at heart.  You were born with guardian angels, who are always with you. I hope this realization empowers you to know that you are taken care of and they will be there for you in times of need.


bridget in hawaii leading a sacred site tourBy: Bridget Nielsen Artist, Intuitive, Healthy Life Stylist, Hybrid Ambassador & Eco-Pioneer

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angel painting